December 10, 2016


“Some people are so heavenly-minded

That they are of no earthly good.”

Sometimes true; always sad.

But don’t be misunderstood . . .


Sometimes, I can see the City on a Hill from here!

Sometimes I can hear the singing of praises over there!

Sometimes I feel the rumbling of dancers’ feet.


Is there someone who will see the City with me?

Is there someone with whom I can sing?

Is there someone with whom I can dance?


Sometimes a conversation will allow me to see,

Sometimes I can feel the affection to come,

Sometimes I can sense the joy over the hill!


Sometimes I can see the tears over here

becoming laughter over there!


Sometimes I can see the trials over here

becoming glories over there!


Sometimes I can see the sadnesses over here

becoming the gladnesses over there!


Sometimes I can taste little hors d’oeuvres over here

becoming full, at a banquet table over there!


But all the “sometimes” moments

Are meant to engage me in “now” moments.

The future to come, being built in the now of time,

With people today, before the coming of springtime!


(Hebrews 11:13-16, 24-27)

