Dancing with my Daughter

As part of my daughter’s senior year in National Charity League, she participated with her senior class in a special ceremony called senior recognition where the girls are recognized for their service to the community with various charitable leagues and foundations. It’s really kind of a big deal. Picture a wedding, with 15 brides! :-0

Anyway, one of the highlights of the night (for us dads) was the father daughter dance. I’d been rehearsing with the girls and the dads weekly for about a month, and felt like I was ready for our dance that starts kind of seriously, then breaks down into a kind of line dance where the dads try desperately hard to follow what the girls are doing without injuring ourselves or looking too foolish. Though I didn’t suffer any injury, I’m not sure whether I quite lived up to my second goal or not.

One thing that took me completely by surprise, was the gravity of the moment where we danced together. Me in my tuxedo, and her in her beautiful white gown. I nearly game unglued, until the music kicked in and muscle memory took over and helped me hold it together emotionally, while I tried to remember the dance steps. I love these kinds of moments, because I think it helps me have just an inkling of the pride and pleasure we bring to God we we are living well. We are His beloved creation. He is there when we fall, but He also feels great delight when we succeed, because by His grace, we are a reflection of Him. Especially when we are living well.

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