Pastor Seth – Poems and musings

Hey Everyone!

As you know, I've been writing poetry for the last few years.  I thought we would put together a little library of them all in one place, so that you can browse and read them at your leisure, or look for some by title.  Enjoy!



Living Water

He walks on desert sands, scorching heat on his soles, A parched and weary man, craves, thirsts for water holes. Beating down upon him, the air, on fire, burning, His journey sapping strength, draining, waning, yearning.   At last! In the distance! Palm trees surround a pool! Fronds blowing in the breeze, his sweat begins…

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Jade, a beautiful gem! You created this green! Colored lightly or dark, I love its shimmered gleam! Rings of jade man has carved, and a horse carved from jade. An artist skilled, but You, this gem of beauty, made.   A different kind of jade sullies my attitude. Cynical, how I brood, callous, my sour…

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A child falls and scrapes his knee, scared as he sees blood! Hot tears stream down his face, turning into a flood. For comfort, he’ll naturally run to his mother. His soul will be strengthened when he runs to father.   A child is puzzled and doesn’t know what to do, To a parent he…

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Satan’s magic box holds slyest tricks of his trade. A flute plays an intoxicating serenade. A mesmerizing image, perfect delusion, To get you to chase a deceptive illusion. The battles are waged in your imagination, Satan, oh so coy at building fascination. He plucks the violin strings of your affections, And lures you with deceiving…

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Nicodemus, an Old Testament scholar, Came to Jesus, confused, a midnight caller.   “What the heck does it mean to be ‘born again?’ Wasn’t one birth enough on this earthly plain?”   Compared to the old life a man once knew, The new life in Christ, is like being made new!   A New Cleansing…

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Sarcasm seemed so much fun when I was young, Everybody equipped with a holster and gun. My words, like a gunslinger or an old cowpoke, “What’s the matter with you, can’t you take a joke?”   With many years of practice at the “shooting range,” This gunslinger would win any gunfire exchange. Like Doc Holliday…

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Temptation’s Redemption

Dealing with temptation, an everyday fight, It starts early morning, and lasts into the night, Daily grimy battles, like hand-to-hand combat, These life and death struggles, in my heart’s habitat.   Satan’s relentless lures enticing this or that, Creamed vanilla frosting covers a dead vile rat. “Relief! Feel better, now!” Bait, hooks, and lunacy. Sin’s…

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American Heroes

(Celebrating Independence Day)   Monroe, Hancock, Knox, Jay, Franklin and Washington, Benjamin Rush, Sherman, Jefferson, Hamilton. Minutemen, patriots, Swamp Fox, Ticonderoga, Bunker Hill, Tea Party, Yorktown, Saratoga. –Seth

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When I seek mountaintop joys as You, I pursue, Remind me it’s the valley floor where I will find You.   When I long for Your presence on high mountaintops, I’ll find You having coffee around local counter tops.   When I am angry over long unanswered prayers Use that passion to ignite Your love…

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Prayer for a North Dakota Friend

When it seems I can’t bear even one more grief, I will meet You with faith; help my unbelief.   When I groan and lament through life’s sorrow, Restore me again with the hope of tomorrow.   When I give You good desires, could my dream really die? Let me see afresh the tear in…

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Suffering in Burma

(based on a true story)   In the forested mountains of far off Burma, A group of doctors trek over terra firma. An eight-hour drive, bamboo rafts over rivers, Hours on a tractor, jungle hikes, to be givers.   Backpacking supplies and medical equipment, Medicine, labs, still not enough shipment. One of the young doctors,…

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All too often you hear, “What’s in it for ME?” That question daily hums inside you and ME. Even in serving, “I hope someone noticed ME.” Even in giving, it can still be about ME. One of the lies begun in Eden’s garden, “Look out for yourself, look out for number one.” Now we’re curved…

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Am I Dr. Jekyll OR Mr. Hyde? Or am I Dr. Jekyll AND Mr. Hyde? Sometimes with God, it seems I’ve come quite far, Other times, farther to go than ever before.   When I was only five and played t-ball, Baseball was easy! Just hit the sitting ball! But by ten can you hit…

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The Sin of Entitlement

Giving to people is no easy chore. When they disagree, they are out the door. When self is supreme, people feel entitled, “Micro-aggressions!” Hurt feelings unbridled.   Some express gratitude, oh so greatly. Others? “So, what have you done for me lately?” Picky, nit-picky and oh so prickly, Opinions of you can change oh so…

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What a beauty is she, from her bud to full bloom, The petals unfolding are as soft as a plume. The richest, deep scarlet stuns and mesmerizes. Gazing at her glory, beauty energizes.   What a beauty is she, deep in her redeemed heart. Her eyes invite you in, with her, to be a part….

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Book of Galatians

Why does temptation seem so compulsive? How can sin become so addictive? How do I battle this God-awful scourge? It’s something I just can’t seem to purge!   My Spirit will expose your inner corruption That drives you, beneath your outward compulsions. If your highest purpose is to feel better, That corruption will lock you…

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Book of 1 Corinthians

When life is filled with relational drama, And plenty of bouts of personal trauma, What drives the spewing of petty criticizing, The hatred, vitriol, and demonizing?   “Knowledge puffs up,” the apostle did say, Like a weapon unleashed in the furious fray, Playing the “expert,” the one “in the know,” The sharp arrows of pride…

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Opened boxes, ribbons, cards and crinkled wrappings, Christmas lights and candles, the tree in its trappings. Some cool gifts, some funny, we, grateful receivers, Meaningful gifts, heartfelt, joys of being givers.   Away in a manger. What?! No room for a bed?!?! Plunged into the darkness, the spiritually dead. A very pregnant gal, not one…

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Christmas Lights

All around was darkness, the night in full array. But piercing through the night, Christmas lights on display,   Lights that shimmered and shined from far, far, far away. Driving through neighborhoods, Christmas lights on display.   Red lights in window panes, white lights hanging on eaves, Sparkled lights, Christmas trees, blinking lights on green…

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Book of Philippians

The world gives “happiness” that is like cut flowers, “Happy for a while, but wilted within hours. But the joy that You plant, like seeds in the ground. Gardens will come! Beauty enjoyed, all year ’round!   “Happy” and joy, like oranges and apples, “Happy,” that for which everyone grapples, While joy, like an anchor,…

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American Thanksgiving

MAYFLOWER COMPACT   The year 1620, One hundred and two sail For the glory of God, A new land did they hail.   For King and their country, In the presence of God Did covenant themselves A body politic. Awed.   But just one year later Only fifty-five remained. In spite of their hardships, Their…

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Book of 2 Kings

Two nations taken in captivity. The warnings of prophets unheeded, The lives of prophets persecuted.   Sometimes, evil is easy to see. But evil can don a pretty disguise: The “pragmatic” and “necessity.”   When evil inside me goes unnoticed It will slowly dissolve my relations … Drama, conflicts, fights, and separations.   Sinking down…

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The Book of 2 Kings

Two nations taken in captivity. The warnings of prophets unheeded, The lives of prophets persecuted.   Sometimes, evil is easy to see. But evil can don a pretty disguise: The “pragmatic” and “necessity.”   When evil inside me goes unnoticed It will slowly dissolve my relations … Drama, conflicts, fights, and separations.   Sinking down…

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Book of Joshua

Worse battles within than without. Your battles are not with people. Battles fought in the heart win out.   Be careful what you make “First Place.” With time it’s easy to destroy Whatever else you most embrace.   Don’t mistake this life for heaven. In heaven, love and comfort, then. Expect it now? Hearts will…

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Hard Hearts

Eyes that will not see, Ears that will not hear. “I see what I want to see. And hear what I want to hear.”   It’s all too true of mankind. We’re too often, locked in one’s mind, “I’ve already made up my mind! Faith? Why I’d rather fly blind!”   Are “the open-minded” Even…

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Words sent out on the morning wind, Headed downwind? A tailwind? Or trapped in a swirling whirlwind? Going nowhere in a headwind? My words, like seeds in the wind? Fertile ground, will they find? Where will they land, These seeds from my hand? The hard, crusty path? Oh, the aftermath… In stout weeds and thorns?…

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Prepare to live in His Larger Story. Not surprised when suffering howls in the fray. The Larger Story climaxes with joy, With some tasty hors d’oeuvres along the way.   Accept the call of the Narrow Way Live to fight for a better love! Enjoy the privilege of putting Jesus on display In the way…

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Embrace Christ

The point of the first four embraces? Leads all of me to His great graces!   “This treasure in earthen vessels, This treasure buried in the field, The oyster’s pearl of great price, All else is but rubbish.” I kneel.   God’s grand story, where I’m included… His Story to tell, His character to reflect,…

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The Junior’s Story

Square Pegs, Round Holes   Outside, the party life A life of frivolity, But inside, the empty life Declining in quality.   “I have it all! What more Can I desire?” But convincing grew weaker; Surely no fortifier.   The Master met me That cold January night At a forest pond, the stars And a…

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May 18, 2023 You must not despair When toward Me you don’t care. Are you still that surprised When your heart turns aside? You are prized; not chastised; Come to Me, My bride!! You matter to me More than failure, you’ll see! No matter your setbacks Sit down and relax. I still yearn to see…

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Wild horses Loose on the plain, Running wild Without a rein.   Wild thoughts Like a stampede, Dangers galore, Hard to impede.   Lord, please help me Lasso my thinking. May it yet be Corralled, not stinking.   Harnessed and bridled, Combed and saddled. Every thought captive, Wise and perceptive.

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Mansions of the Lord; Home, at Last!

Do you see the faces of people you loved, In the flower blooms of His gardens, above? Clatter over the stone bridge; folks all want to see you! Enter through the narrow gate, this last time through.   In the library, reading back through the old book Obedience was worth it, on every page you…

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Two friends and I had skied the Rocky Mountains. It was time to head back to the Texas’ flat plains.   As we drove east away from the mountains Longing and grief co-mingled into joy.   I sat in the backseat, alone, mesmerized. Watching the mountain slowly fade in size.   There was the sad…

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Not a problem to solve; A doorway to enter!!!   Letting go of lesser hopes, Letting go of “happiness” now.   Discovering a deeper hope, And a different happiness.   Hungry for Him, Thirsty for living water,   Seeking Him first, The joy of anticipation.   -Seth

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On every mountain high, and every valley low, On every cruise ship wide, to every country go, To the new career change, to the new, next “real” love, Lasting pleasure his quest; his eyes won’t search above.   The shadow of pleasure is what every man stalks, Feeling high? Numbing pain? Searching like soaring hawks….

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Christmas Lights

All around was darkness, the night in full array. But piercing through the night, Christmas lights on display,   Lights that shimmered and shined from far, far, far away. Driving through neighborhoods, Christmas lights on display.   Red lights in window panes, white lights hanging on eaves, Sparkled lights, Christmas trees, blinking lights on green…

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I hear your heart’s need, I hear your heart’s bleed.   I hear your anger, I hear your hunger.   I hear your mopes, I hear your hopes.   I hear your thoughts, I hear your sore spots.   I hear your disconcert, I hear your hurt.   I hear your strain, I hear your…

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Hard Hearts

Do you have eyes that will not see? Do you have ears that will not hear? “I will see what I want to see. I will hear what I want to hear.”   It’s all too true of all mankind, Too often locked in one’s mind. “I’ve already made up my mind! Faith? Faith?! Why…

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Refining Fires

All around us the howling of a windstorm, The cold of a snowstorm, thermals of a firestorm. Not talking weather but trials beyond displeasure. Storms’ outer afflictions and inner contradictions.   Is your furnace oven, white hot with burning heat? Is this Refiner’s fire? “Please, no more,” you entreat. “I can’t take any more! To…

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Christmas 2019

The human dilemma’s incurable disease, Fraught with conflict, drama, maker of misery. Not positive thinking, nor resolutions new, Can overcome the sin that lies in me and you.   We put on happy fronts, “Everything is OK.” “Great things are happening.” (At least, that’s what we say). But something’s in the heart that makes a…

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One Soldier

THE SOLDIER   August 2, 2022   The soldier loved gambling, the rolling of the dice, Breaks up monotony, though a fool’s paradise. “A God-forsaken land, a thousand miles from home, At discharge will I have post-traumatic syndrome?”   Punishment here, severe, death for two lousy thieves, Was the third one sentenced for just what…

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Independence Day

July 4, 2022   Oh, Independence Day! Blessed Declaration! The law above a king, blessed separation! Unalienable rights, endowed by the Lord God. Truths that we will hold dear. The governed have the nod.   And for seven long years, a war of attrition. Bunker Hill and Breed’s Hill, Concord and Lexington. Fort Ticonderoga, Trenton…

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There is something in me, a restless scampering. My eyes, on frantic search for my heart’s pampering? From person to person my heart is on the hunt, Desperate to gain that for some pain I may blunt?   Does it depend on me to find what brings me peace? I fear that if that’s true,…

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Resurrection, the Day After

RESURRECTION, THE DAY AFTER Three days ago ‘twas doom. What happened to my gloom? Like morning’s breath and mist, Disappeared with a kiss.   No greater truth than this! And Him I almost missed! No greater One to know. No greater love to show.   Seth

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The Narrow Road

My first twenty years I walked the road broad Until empty, longing, I came to know God. Forty-nine years since; on God’s path I have trod. Different kinds of terrain I’ve walked on this Earth’s sod.   Hovering jungle growth, fear and danger abound Amidst the stark unknown ‘twas once lost; now I’m found. On…

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Persevering Even through doubts. Unflagging hope, Even with pouts.   Finding His strength, In my weakness. Doing good, Despite my badness.   Planting His seeds, Watering blooms. Will I see flowers When love resumes?   A handful of seeds, A watering can, Dry, barren ground, Is where grace began.   Flowers in vases, Delightful fragrance….

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All around was darkness, the night in full array. But piercing through the night, Christmas lights on display,   Lights that shimmered and shined from far, far, far away. Driving through neighborhoods, Christmas lights on display.   Red lights in window panes, white lights hanging on eaves, Sparkled lights, Christmas trees, blinking lights on green…

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An Early Morning Walk

November 16, 2021   The early morning dawn, peeking over the hills, Brought with it cold, upon myself brisk chills.   I was not alone on this morning walk, Inside my heart? It wanted to talk.   Gnawing questions, disturbing pouts, Rising hopes and crummy doubts,   Relationships not mended, Some still offended.   Problems…

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LISTENING A.P.B.: Missing here! A right ear and left ear! No sign of whereabouts! Relations in the pouts!   Listening: you go first! Listening for heart’s thirst.   Listening for their mopes, Listening for their hopes.   Listening for their thoughts, Listening for sore spots.   Listening when they’re curt, Listening for their hurt.  …

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Book of Hosea

BOOK OF HOSEA Hosea, the prophet, married the village whore. And to three loser “dads,” three children Gomer bore. I wanted MY people, in sad Gomer, to see, Like Gomer, that they were adulteresses to Me.   She did what she wanted, with men, running around. “They leave me food and gifts, in secret at…

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In the Fortress

How many are enraged, the petty and the small? Disgruntled archers shoot sharp, piercing arrows, all.   I long for the safety of your garrison’s fort! Why do I come to You as only last resort?   When I look to humans for sense of importance I’ll always miss the trail to Your solid fortress….

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Book of Genesis

Beginnings of our world, The goodness of Your hand. It didn’t take us long Making messes on land.   Adam, Eve, and Noah, Abraham and Sarah, Ten brothers, and two more, The patriarch era.   Self, curved in on itself: Foolish “drama,” conflicts, Egos, pride, fights and strife, Childish quarrels, nitpicks.   By nature ego…

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The Narrow Path

My first twenty years I walked the road broad Until empty, longing, I came to know God. Forty-seven years since; on God’s path I have trod. Different kinds of terrain I’ve walked on this Earth’s sod.   Hovering jungle growth, fear and danger abound Amidst the STARK unknown ‘twas once lost; now I’m found. On…

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The Hard Heart

Fixed and impervious, Mocking, contemptuous, Hard, impenetrable, Hostile, intractable.   Ever colder, chilling, Proud, closed off, unwilling, Stubborn, recalcitrant, Stiff-necked, intransigent.

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“Apparent” Weakness

Apparent, felt strength, but more a weightless soul. Power, “Confidence mine!” Hollow sounding tolls. “I don’t need anyone.” Plaintive loneliness strolls. “Don’t tell me what to do.” Haunting emptiness holes.   Apparent, felt weakness, but one weighty in soul. In hushed humility, the power of God tolls. To overcome one’s self, the path to be…

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Buzz words from psychology past, “The glory of the self!” Miscast. And “self-actualization?” The ego’s road to damnation.

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The Anchor

The old, wooden warship at the mercy of the waves, Heaving skyward, plunging seaward, in search of watery graves? The waves ripped off the rudder in the fierce Atlantic gale! And the hurricane-like wind just broke off the main sail!   The strong gulf current will surge us far out to sea! While the safe…

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Restless Heart

Looking, Searching, For that elusive something.   Striving, Seeking, To quell an ache.   Hunting, Combing, To fill a yearning.   Missing, Empty, Longing for what?

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Book of Numbers

Life, tougher than you thought. It all starts with high hopes, But the road is a bumpy, And along come the mopes. Unbelieving, spoiled, “Why aren’t things better?? Have I missed my way? Am I becoming bitter?”   Muttering and mumbling, sputtering and grumbling. Whining and griping, complaining and sniping. Bellyaching and ranting, grousing and…

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Under the Shadow

The sun is hot, the heat boiling, The desert air so stifling. Weary from the arid heat, This thirsty soul, empty, deplete.   Scorching, Suffocating, Smothering, Sweltering, Weary, Worn, Wobbling, Woozy.   Fatigued, Forlorn, Frazzled, (But not finished!)   He who dwells in His shelter Will find rest from the smelter. Finding peace in Him…

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The Hungry Male Soul

Invite Him into felt weakness, Invite Him into felt dryness, Invite Him into loneliness, Invite Him into emptiness.   To be strong in my weakness. To endure with resilience. To love with tenderness. To offer life in felt deadness.

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A Husband’s Communication

“We can’t communicate,” a husband said to me. “Tell me more,” I asked. “We always disagree.” As he explained himself, this was his rationale, All he could see of self was he was rational.   What he yet could not see was sadly palpable. That between wife and him was something relational. He could not…

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Real Treasure

Oyster’s pearl of great price, nestled. This treasure buried in the field. This treasure in earthen vessels. “All else is rubbish.” Humbly kneel.

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Slogging through the mountains, knee-deep in powered snow, No snowshoes on his feet, plodding on through vexed throes. Each step is labored, slow, midst cloudy blizzard wind, But in his heart and soul, God’s delight is not dimmed.

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Do not despise the day of really small things. The wheels do grind slowly, but from them joy will sing. The smallest steps taken, in the face of sad strife, Brings closer to the day the precious things in life.

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The Thirsty Female Soul

Does anyone see me, the me inside of me? What I value and bring, what I think, feel and see? Am I invisible, shadows over my heart? There’s beauty in my soul. I long to play a part.

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Inside the Male Soul

That for which my soul longs, a window inside me. Longing for connection, alive, loving and free. A stronger me to face troubles, disappointments, A settled inner peace; rest in His enjoyment.   I’ll invite God inside to walk in my tired shoes, To stand when heart wearied, sing praise and not the blues. Jesus,…

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How Fragile

How fragile life may seem, when something frightens us. A microscopic germ, this pernicious virus. There’s peril in the air, death strolls through this portal Thus we are awakened: we are merely mortal.   We “love” the illusion that we are in “control”, So “shocked” when vile forces into our lives do roll. Is ultimate…

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“Virtual Isolation”

What an eerie silence, this strange isolation! At least that’s what I thought at morning’s formation. But twenty-four wee ones exploded on the screen. “Mrs. Gatchell!” they cried. Joyful jubilation.   Mothers and five year olds, questions, answers galore! Laughter, joyous shrieking! (And I was on the floor!) Counting, reading, spelling, bible recitation, Forward go…

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“Social Distancing”

What a strange thing is this, forced “social distancing.” So unintuitive, relationships dwindling. Without such rich mingling, problems become crippling. Behind locked doors and walls, human hearts stiffening.   Humans do another sad “social distancing,” Not because they are forced; fueled by petty quibbling. Hurt feelings, stubbornness, obstinate, wounded pride Flush years of tenderness. Affection…

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The Telephone

Phones, a stealth contraption! Sneaking behind closed doors! Care, carried in safety, parachuted indoors! This I-Phone? Knows no fear! Dangers? Oblivious! Phones impenetrable to Corona Virus!   Isolation finds friends! The lonely thrive sharing! The hopeless? Not alone! The empty thrive caring! Friendly voices carried, the anxious taste some calm. God tasted through your hearts!…

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Invisible Neighboring

Skittles left on doorsteps, flowers given freely. Toilet paper gift bag(?!), six foot chats said dearly.  

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Tsunami’s rise and fall drives Volatility. All of what we don’t know drives our Uncertainty. Many tangled problems drive this Complexity. Solving all these problems? Drives Ambiguity.   CEO’s call VUCA business’s dark, deep hole. But moguls of business shine light into the soul. The ups and downs drive stress, the unknown drives our fears….

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Invitation to Banquet

Come, everyone who thirsts, come to flowing waters; She without some money, come, buy and eat, daughters! Come, buy wine and whole milk without money nor price. Why do you spend money for that which won’t suffice?   Why do you spend money for what won’t satisfy? And labor long hours for that which we…

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Dementia, a demon, a cold-blooded killer, Not of physical life, but memories, thinner. Do you remember me? The love that we once knew? You don’t remember God but God remembers you.   Dementia, a demon, a cold-blooded killer, Not of a fading brain: a memories chiller. Dementia of the heart, where bitterness took hold. Precious…

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April Fools

The Naïve, the Simple, blindly lay down their guard. The “Easy Way Fool” says, “It cannot be THAT hard!” The “Glory Way Fool” asks, “Can’t you see that I’m right?” The “Combative Fool” thinks, “For the ‘right way’ I’ll fight!”   The Mocker “knows better,” his haughty eyes preening. The Scorner with contempt, despising, demeaning….

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They Used to be Called Journalists

Quoting out of context, the twisting of meaning, Insinuate evil, arrogant, demeaning, Creating suspicion, inscribing vile intent While claiming “No bias,” and “It’s truth I present.”   Straw man arguments, haughty in your scorning, Jump to worst conclusions, filed every morning. Faulty assumptions, you’re narrative spinners. Wear your tuxedoes at White House Press Corps Dinners….

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Deadly Air Strikes

Danger! Incoming bombs, airstrikes from small sneezes. Deadly rockets air born in small six foot breezes. Microscopic virus from China’s Wuhan Province. Doc’s say your greatest shield? Six foot social distance.

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CERTAINTY, “thee” idol, at that altar you bow? And CONTROL, its brother, its “safety” you avow? When CERTAINTY takes flight, ANXIETY rises! When CONTROL vanishes, WORRY agonizes!   This is a fallen world. Reality is hard. Things break and fall apart, and death is in the cards. Natural disasters, pandemics, fallen man, True in history…

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Joy’s Hunger and Thirst

When I hunger for “bread”, tasting elusive joy Take me to a quaint lunch happily to enjoy. When my spirit is dry as the hot desert air Give me living water to quench my soul’s sad cares.   When I feel the anguish of Your separation Let me find joy in hope, longing for connection….

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I cannot see a thing. I hate the darkness now! I do not understand! To live in darkness? How? I hear voices around, rich songs of joy and glee. But I just sing a dirge. The lyrics? “Woe is me.”   The days, though dark, warm up. I hear complaints of heat, The buzzing of…

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Springs of Water

Where does it all come from, seeming endless supply? Out of the rock and ground? Water that satisfies! Washing, cleansing, scrubbing, bathing, cleaning, rinsing, Showers, pouring, clearing; my soul’s purifying.   Such sweetness on hot days, oases in hot years. Washing suffering’s tears and bringing joyous tears. Satisfying, quenching, slurping, sipping, swilling, Satiating, drinking, gurgling,…

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Home is a metaphor where You and I do talk. The concrete foundation secure on which we walk. The walls all around us guard from danger’s domain. The roof over our heads keeps out the driving rain.   Windows let in Your light, Your beauty we enjoy. The hearth provides us fire, turns cold to…

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An invisible thief, this imp robs and steals truth. He goes undetected (at least you can’t see you). His smoke wafts through the air in every word you say. In everything you hear, ears “filter” toward “your way.”   “Hear” what you want to hear! “Know” what you want to know! “Think” what you want…

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Deepest Recesses

It’s not “answers” that I want. There’s something deeper that pants. To love and see You on high, Before whom all questions die.  

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For Three Moms Who Lost Adult Children

Will someone grieve with me? To be with me in heart? The loss I’ll always bear, My heart is torn apart.   Will someone let me grieve? Not, “You have to ‘move on’.” “You have to live your life.” My child is always gone!   Will someone see my grief? Will someone walk with me?…

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It’s not circumstances that bring discouragement, Nor negative people, nor disillusionment. Then what is happening that puts me in the mopes? A mistake hard to see: trusting in misplaced hopes!   FALSE hopes that start out well but in the end? They sting! FLEETING hopes only last until the birds take wing! FUTILE hopes show…

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A.P.B.: Missing here! A right ear and left ear! No sign of whereabouts! Relations in the pouts!   Listening: you go first! Listening for heart’s thirst.   Listening for their mopes, Listening for their hopes.   Listening for their thoughts, Listening for sore spots.   Listening when they’re curt, Listening for their hurt.   Listening…

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A Prayer for Wisdom

O Lord, please make me wise. To live without disguise. To see You, give me eyes, Certain hopes in the skies!   Make me wise at sunrise To meet life’s lows and highs, To see through Satan’s lies, To value You, my prize!   Make me wise in life’s sighs, Alert to hear heart’s cries….

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His high horse gallopin’, the rider was yellin’ Demands, accusations, horrible names, tellin’. Yet “justified,” haughty, his rights he was claimin’, He threw his mean lasso, his gun was a-shamin’.   Sin of entitlement is like hay to a horse. It feeds our foul anger with nary a remorse. All guns now a-blazin’, the tongue,…

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What a beauty is she, from her bud to full bloom, The petals unfolding are as soft as a plume. The richest, deep scarlet stuns and mesmerizes. Gazing at her glory, beauty energizes.   What a beauty is she, deep in her redeemed heart. Her eyes invite you in, with her, to be a part….

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UNTROUBLED? “In this world you will have trouble.” Well, Jesus, I certainly know about that! When troubles come I usually fall flat! “Let not your heart be troubled.”   When troubles come in their course, Troubles troubling, my heart comes apart. First troubles come, then my troubled heart. Just like the cart comes after the…

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All around us, Does surround us, Lives inside us, Sin’s vile virus.   Thousands of ways, Through all our days, Man’s unseen haze, Denies God’s ways.   All are to blame, This deadly “game,” “Virtue” we claim. Our pride aflame.   On nightly news, In our church pews, Opiates and booze, With God we snooze….

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O, Human Nature’s Twist

Human nature’s strange twist, The same evils persist. Solutions to enlist? Here’s history’s long list.   Oration, Taxation, Donation, Sedation.   Education, Reincarnation, Affirmation, Communication.   Foundations, Immigration, Legislation, Incarceration.   Meditation, Demonstrations, Integration, Segregation.   Motivation, Toleration, Equalization, Gratification,   Globalization, Modernization, Conservation, Liberalization.   Our nature’s change? God’s method, strange. Jesus exchanged! The…

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Man of Sorrows

A man of sorrows, acquainted with grief. His last friend on earth? A repentant thief. Battered, bruised and pierced, crowds hurled their contempt. Hardly anyone shed tears of lament.

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The grass outside my door, Rain-drenched when heavens pour, Lies under touchdowns scored, My bed for my nap’s snore.   My grass is walked upon. Dogs love it! Peed upon! “Dogs! Don’t! Pleeeeeeze!” Pooped upon… God’s beauty paints my lawn.   Blades mow it down weekly, It bows, succumbs meekly. Endures blazing sun weakly, Grass,…

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I hear your heart’s need, I hear your heart’s bleed.   I hear your anger, I hear your hunger.   I hear your mopes, I hear your hopes.   I hear your thoughts, I hear your sore spots.   I hear your disconcert, I hear your hurt.   I hear your strain, I hear your…

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“Be brave and speak your mind.” “Days of Silence behind!” “Blame must be assigned!” “New morality! Find!”   But if you speak your mind, On Twitter you’re maligned. In crosshairs you’re aligned. The mob, you, they will find.   And if your words stumble, The new mob will rumble. Your career will crumble. Reputations tumble.

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Elephant in the Room

There’s a peculiar fact of life Called the elephant in the room. In the middle of complex strife The elephant’s presence will loom.   Will no other factors be seen? Are no other issues assumed? Blinded, no added wisdom gleaned? Just the elephant in the room?

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The Story of Hope

Hope deepened, when we’re young, Hopes shine bright! Idealism! Each day dawns raise the sun! O youthful optimism.   Hopes are dashed, every one. Shattered. No! Realism. London fog hides the sun. Shadows dark. Pessimism.   Dare to hope come next morn. Deeper hopes found in Him. Dawn’s light gleams. Hope reborn His story told….

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The ugly side of man In all its many forms, Impossible to ban, Rejects the laws and norms.   “I will not wear a mask!” “Don’t tell me what to do!” “I will take you to task!” “I’ll sue you through and through!”   “Journalists” sit atop. Critics ride horses, “Experts” on laws and cops,…

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Virtual Vacation

“I need a vacation!” You hear it far and wide. “Too much stress! Too much work! Please give me a bromide!” While relaxing is good, and resting justified, What my heart needs more? Is beauty magnified.   The beauty of wonder seen in a countryside. The beauty of calmness, sunning at Oceanside. The beauty of…

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A joy-filled, but hard task, Be a dad? Sacrifice. Of you, much will be asked. Live for self? Won’t suffice!   Loving and living, Serving and sharing, Guiding and giving, Teaching and trying.   Give them a model, How you love your wife. No room to be idle. Face problems in your life.   Wisdom…

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The New “Social Distancing”

Hurl your curse. Assume the worst.   Cast your blame, Call them names.   Blast away, Make them pay.   “You disagree???!!!” “Third degree!”   Anger the mob? Lose your job!   Voice your fear? Lose your career.   Voice a scoff? “Cut them off!!”

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The New Mortal Sin

While we rightly regard The worth of everyone, But if you disagree? No one’s safe! Not a one.   Relationships now trashed. Years of joy gone with glee. The mortal sin abashed? You dared to disagree.   Thought police on Twitter, They’ll hunt you down in glee, While angry and bitter. Why? You dared to…

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I had an old friend once, His name? Humility. I saw him in my books. I’d see him on TV.   But my old friend has passed. Can’t find him on the news. Is he now an outcast? Can’t find him spouting views.   I miss my trusted friend. He helped me through this life….

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Florence and Mabel

It started a long time ago That fiendish, wretched sin of blame. Two people on whom grace bestowed, Adam and Eve, hiding in shame.   Down through many millennia, Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, Even today’s millennials. Strife next door, Florence and Mabel.   Science, knowledge, education, We know more than Cain and Abel….

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Good and Evil

Oh, if only it was all so plain. “We are the good, and they, the evil.” But evil rides on the human train, We’re neither angels nor the devil.   Some evil lies in every heart. Prowls like a lion, ready to strike. “Let fly your arrow and hurl your dart!” Or “politely”, just a…

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In the streets, lots of rage And cultural disgust. But selective outrage Makes our hearing mistrust.   Humility may help us, Looking in a mirror. Listening and learning May help us see this clearer.

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The greatest things of life don’t suddenly “appear.” Most of them you must build, through your blood, sweat and tears. There’s no place for short cuts, or just getting by, Diligent endurance you will need to apply.   In building a marriage or a newfound career, Your business, finances, or a brand new frontier, Building…

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What it takes a lifetime to build Can be destroyed overnight. A marriage and kids torn apart A business firebombed at night.   “Tear it down, this vile thing!” (You’ve joined the tide of evil). “Grab your torch! Burn it down!” (You’re running with the devil).   Any fool can destroy. There is no virtue…

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The New World Order???

This?! The new world order? On ashes that smolder? Portland? This is the way? This destruction? Okay?

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Sadness stops you in the way. Is this what has to be? Sadness stuns you. Clouds turn gray. A fool’s paradise, we?   Sadness loves to sing the blues. Soft notes, tears, an interlude. Is this the road that we did choose? Quiet, and disquietude.

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Be Careful What You Ask For

“Be careful what you ask for,” So said mother to her son. “But mom, I know what I need!” (Mom hoped he’d want wisdom).   But wisdom did not drive him, Desires and passions instead. He married “beauty” and folly, Now, his misery widespread.   A nation follows ideas. Ideology, the mainspring. When ideas have…

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She was ever thirsty, came daily to this well, Her bucket lowered down, a darkness of her hell. And each day she believed, “At last my thirst be quenched.” Sure this water splashing, her heart should now be drenched!   Her thirst was much deeper, for deeper connection, To know and to be known, with…

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We demonize one guy virtually every time. We’re sure his intentions, self-serving or a crime. We interpret his words in the vilest of ways. No matter what he does it’s evil in our gaze.   The other guy we give the benefit of the doubt. We’re sure his intentions are pure as a cub scout….

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The Dragonfly

Fisherman and canoe on a hot, sunny day. His eye catches sight of water bugs at play. A swarm of water beetles underwater scurrying, Clambering, careening, scampering, hurrying.   Look! One breaks the surface, free of the water line, And climbs up the canoe, and stops atop to recline. Has he fallen asleep under the…

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The Basin and the Towel

Only a few days left to live in this painful world, How would he spend his hours? What truths would he unfurl? Those whom he held dear were with him in these days, He held them near and dear in all of his ways.   A basin he did have, he knelt down on the…

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