Pastor Seth – Poems and Musings

An Early Morning Walk

November 16, 2021


The early morning dawn, peeking over the hills,

Brought with it cold, upon myself brisk chills.


I was not alone on this morning walk,

Inside my heart? It wanted to talk.


Gnawing questions, disturbing pouts,

Rising hopes and crummy doubts,


Relationships not mended,

Some still offended.


Problems with no solutions,

No matter my resolutions.


Feeling quite frail, so little control.

Sliding downward into a deeper hole.


But the light began to shine

God’s truth, again, was mine.


God always on the move, His promises sure,

Faithful when dark, His character pure.


I brought with me some of my disturbing ills.

But left them on the park bench. “As God wills.”



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