The Money Maze

Life Unscrewed–part 4

It’s all too easy to have parts of life get “screwed up.” It’s even harder to get them unscrewed! We’ve looked at (1) how we bring stress upon ourselves and others (part 1), (2) how we “screw up” male-female relationships (part 2), and (3) how we screw up work (part 3).

This week we’ll look at how we get our money screwed up. What drives us in bad directions regarding money? What things are “alive” in the human heart that lead us to screw up money?


 DAY 1

Read Exodus 20:17

1. When you think of the word, “coveting,” what comes to mind?

2. How would you define “coveting”?

3. “Coveting” is to long for, desire intently, or lust after something that is not yours to have.

4. What areas are specifically mentioned of which we are not to covet?

5. Why would God include this command in the Ten Commandments? What does coveting lead to?

6. How is coveting related to how you use money?


Read Ecclesiasts 4:8

1. List all the factors you see in this man’s dilemma.

2. On a scale of 0-100, how would you describe this man’s commitment to his work?

3. What did he believe would make him happy or content?

4. What his belief correct? What did he realize?

5. What do the following verses say about contentment?

* 1 Timothy 6:8

* Hebrews 13:5

* Philippians 4:11

* Philippians 4:12

6. How does discontentment relate to your finances? What does your heart hope will happen when you spend money?

7. What would help you be more content?

8. How’s your contentment quotient? Talk to God about it.


Read 1 Timothy 6:6-19

1. What factors does Paul list that help us be more content? (1 Timothy 6:6-8)

2. What dangers does Paul warn us about when we “want to get rich?” (6:9)

3. List two root drivers in the human heart Paul warns us about in 6:10?

* How would you describe “love of money?”

* How would you describe “eager for money?”

4. What dangers does Paul see with these drivers?

5. Paul does not condemn rich people. He warns those with the drive to get rich. Read 6:17-19. List the instructions Paul gives to rich people.

6. What new drivers is God trying to plant in the human heart? (6:17-19)

7. What is your takeaway from today’s verses?

Day 4

Read Ecclesiastes 2:1-11

Solomon is a young man, testing different approaches to life (2:1-3).

1. What things did Solomon do with his money in 2:4-9?

2. He makes a “summary statement” in 2:10. What strikes you about this verse?

3. Time passed; the dust settled. He had a chance to look back at what he had done. What began to dawn on Solomon? (2:11)

4. What had been his driver during those years? What was his real hopes with regard to money?

5. Yesterday we looked at 1 Timothy 6:17-19. Read this again.

* What was missing from Solomon’s approach in Ecclesiastes? What things from Paul would have helped Solomon?

6. Do you use money or what money can buy to meet needs only God can meet?

7. Talk to God about your real hopes regarding money.


We’ve look at drivers of the heart that move us to “screw up” our finances: coveting, discontentment, love of money, and trying to meet internal needs with external resources.

Today, we’ll look at what can be done to “disable” those drivers?

1. Read the following verses and list the bible’s approach to turning our coveting, discontented, money-loving, idol-making hearts into hearts more like Jesus:

* Proverbs 11:24-25

* Matthew 6:19-24

* Luke 16:10-13

* Philippians 4:10-20

* Jeremiah 9:23-24

* Luke 14:26-33

2. What are your takeaways from today, or this week?

3. Take a few minutes to pray about your takeaway.

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