
Wednesday Praise Concert Series


Our next praise concert featuring the Worship Band and Singers will be on Wednesday, May 7, 2008 at 7:00 p.m. We invite you to come out and have fun singing and worshiping with us. If you would like to suggest a song or two for the Worship Team to play in praise of our Lord,…

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Are you ready for a new Women’s Ministry?

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Newcomer’s BBQ


If you’re new to Pacific, you are invited to come and meet Pastor Lance and Carol Brown and some others who are new, to get to know each other better and enjoy some good food. This Sunday, April 20th at noon at the Brown’s home. Please RSVP to Lance using the “Talk to Us” form…

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Celebrate Recovery BBQ – May 4


Hallelujah, the Celebrate Recovery Program is about to begin at Pacific Church! Celebrate Recovery BBQ May 4th (after church) Serving Recovery Dogs; Denial Burgers, & Salvation Slaw, and more. A Celebrate Recovery table will be set up with information about the 12-step program and for anyone who may have questions about the ministry. Come enjoy…

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Mothers and Others Luncheon is May 3rd


Calling all women!  You are special, and you are loved.  Do you know someone who needs a special time of encouragement?  Invite your friends, mothers, sisters and daughters (high school age and older) to join us for lunch! Plan on a very special afternoon.  There’ll be incredible food, sweet treats, marvelous company and this year’s…

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Spring Worship Series


Sometimes we struggle to keep our focus on Jesus.  Do you wish you had an hour where you could just sing, pray, and glorify God?  Join us in the sanctuary at 7pm on the first Wednesday of April, May and June.

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