The Importance of Thanksgiving

Developing Your Prayer Life, pt. 2

Last week we looked at why praise was so important! Praise re-calibrates your perspective, not along the lines of your circumstances but along the line of God’s character. This week we’ll look at how thanksgiving plays a major role in your life!


1. Jesus expressed His gratitude toward God. Look up each of the verses below and write that for which Jesus was thankful:
– John 6:11
– John 6:23
– Luke 22:17, 19
– Luke 17:16
– Acts 24:2
– Acts 27:35; 28:15

2. Jesus Christ is and was God the Son. How does it strike you that God the Son would be so expressive of His thanksgiving?

3. List 10 things for which you are thankful:

4. How many of what you listed were each of the following:
a. Elements of God’s character: ______
b. Tough circumstances through which you learned a lot more about God: _____
c. Individuals God has used in your life: _______

5. What strikes you about your list?

6. Is there something(s) missing in your list?


1. For what things was the apostle Paul thankful, in the following verses:
– Romans 1:18; Colossians 1:3

– 1 Corinthians 1:4; 2 Cor. 4:15

– 1 Thess. 2:13

– Philippians 1:3-5

– 2 Thess. 1:3

– 2 Thess. 2:13

– Colossians 1:12

– 2 Cor. 9:11 ff.

2. Of which of the above items are you most thankful?

3. As a result of the items in today’s verses, are there other things you would add to your list?

4. If you are going to develop a lifestyle of being thankful, you likely need to expand the list for which you are thankful!

5. From yesterday and today’s lists, begin A MASTER LIST which you can keep a running “diary” of items for which you are thankful! This list needs to be in a place where you will see it often!


1. The Apostle Paul was also grateful for certain benefits he received from God. Next to the following verses list the items for which Paul was grateful:
– Rom. 7:25

– Rom. 16:4

– 1 Cor. 1:14

– 1 Cor. 14:18

– Philemon 4 ff.

2. Other there similar items or people for which you are thankful? List them here.

3. After reading all the many items for which Paul was grateful, both in today’s and yesterday’s verses, how do you think gratitude affected each of the following in his life:

– His general attitude

– His response to difficult people

– His response to difficult situations

– The “normal” good things that came his way

4. How are any of your answers in question 3 different from your approach to the same items?

5. Are there things you need to add to your thanksgiving list? Do it now.


The bible often tells us to “remember” God’s mighty deeds, both great and small. Our hearts “naturally” grow hard and grow in “doubt-ness.” We are “naturally” grumblers, complainers, and mumblers. What stems the tide of this natural devolution? Gratitude. Being thankful is not just a reaction to good things happening. It is the intentional determination to fight our natural devolution downward. Thanksgiving helps set our hearts to one of delightful dependence rather to chronic complainers.

1. Read Psalm 107, circling the word “thanks” every time you read it.

2. For each section below, write in what trouble the people faced and what God did for them:






3. What role do you think giving thanks played in these scenarios?

4. Are there any scenarios you need to add to your Thanksgiving List?

5. Verbalize these to God right now.


We dare not minimize the role of thanksgiving in our lives, as we’ve seen, and will see again today.

Read Ephesians 5:20

1. How often should we express thanksgiving?

2. For what kinds of things should we express thanksgiving?

3. To whom should we address our thanks?

Read Colossians 3:17

4. For what kinds of activities is it appropriate to express thanks?

Read 1 Thess. 5:18

5. For what kinds of activities is it appropriate to express thanks?

Note: This is only one of three times when the bible expressly says, “this is the will of God…”

6. As we finish our week, what most struck you from our study of thanksgiving?

7. As you work on your Thanksgiving List, you may want to break it up into categories. Use a different page for each of the following, and add a date when you add an entry!

God’s people:

God’s character:


God’s work in my life:

Physical needs:

Spiritual blessings:

My family:

Answers to prayer:

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