Staff Blog


By Seth Gatchell | May 18, 2023

May 18, 2023 You must not despair When toward Me you don’t care. Are you still that surprised When your heart turns aside? You are prized; not chastised; Come to Me, My bride!! You matter to me More than failure, you’ll see! No matter your setbacks Sit down and relax. I still yearn to see…

Words of Life

By Lance Brown | April 26, 2023

I was thinking today, about some of my favorite promises from God’s Word.  Top 5 that struck me today: Philippians 4:6–7 (NIV) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your…

Easter Confusion

By Mark | April 19, 2023

Last Easter we were heading to the park with the kids. Charlotte and Luke sped ahead on their scooters. Jessica chased after them to make sure they were safe and I was escorting Owen as he was “riding” his scooter. He hadn’t quite got the hang of  steering and pumping his foot at the same…

VBS is coming up soon!

By Mark | March 24, 2023

Mark your calendars! June 12th-16th! We are going to have a galaxy worth of fun for all preschool and elementary age students! 

Mansions of the Lord; Home, at Last!

By Seth Gatchell | March 15, 2023

Do you see the faces of people you loved, In the flower blooms of His gardens, above? Clatter over the stone bridge; folks all want to see you! Enter through the narrow gate, this last time through.   In the library, reading back through the old book Obedience was worth it, on every page you…


By Seth Gatchell | March 8, 2023

Two friends and I had skied the Rocky Mountains. It was time to head back to the Texas’ flat plains.   As we drove east away from the mountains Longing and grief co-mingled into joy.   I sat in the backseat, alone, mesmerized. Watching the mountain slowly fade in size.   There was the sad…

Words of life…

By Lance Brown | February 28, 2023

Words are some of our most powerful tools…for good and for evil.  Scripture says so much about our speech.  “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…” [Prov 18:21] ” If anyone things he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person’s religion is worthless.” [James 1:26]…


By Seth Gatchell | February 7, 2023

Not a problem to solve; A doorway to enter!!!   Letting go of lesser hopes, Letting go of “happiness” now.   Discovering a deeper hope, And a different happiness.   Hungry for Him, Thirsty for living water,   Seeking Him first, The joy of anticipation.   -Seth

House of the Lord

By Lance Brown | January 24, 2023

I have really been meditating today on a worship song by Jonathan Smith and Phil Wickham, called “House of the Lord”.  It contains such a powerful reminder, that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and because of that, there is JOY in HIS house today! We worship the God who wasWe worship the…